The Professional Pathways Program (PPP) began this year as a pilot program at SJBS to provide an opportunity for SJBS alumni to continue practicing their English skills.
While 98% of SJBS students continue their studies at a high school, not all have the financial resources to study at a bilingual school, with tuition and the cost of transportation to and from San Pedro. Jessica, SJBS ’13, is a member of the pilot PPP class. While her younger brother, Jeffrey, is in his 2nd grade classroom, Jessica is across the hall three times a week, practicing her English and developing job-oriented skills (like how to write a resume, give an interview, and use Microsoft Office). The Professional Pathways Program tailors its curriculum to help students build exactly the kind of skills that will allow them to be more competitive in the Honduras workforce.
Jessica is currently in the 11th grade at IDEC (Instituto Departamental Evangélico Cofradía). Read some of her thoughts about the PPP below!
Q: What did you learn in PPP?
A: Well, to start I want to say I am really grateful to be given an opportunity like this. These classes have helped my a lot. I have improved my English so much. I have also developed my writing and speaking skills.
Something really important that I learned is that I am know able to use a computer properly and how to use different programs. I really enjoy learning English because I like this language very much. Especially in my country, knowing English is really helpful. It gives you an advantage to find a good job.
Q: What is your favorite memory from the year?
A: My favorite memory in PPP was when we [did] the project [on] M&M data. It was really fun to work with the chocolate because I ate them in the end!
Q: What is something you are proud of from PPP?
A: Something that makes me proud was when we did the debate about cell phones because I was able to express my opinion and my ideas, to say what I really feel and to be able to talk to others about my ideas. That’s what I am really thankful for. To be one of those people to have that chance to learn something new that will help me have a better life.

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