I joined the BECA team as a teacher only three weeks ago, but it has already been a great experience. BECA means a lot to me- it means showing how we can be better.  I know my teachers gave a lot to be here for us. I remember having teachers over to my house to enjoy some food my family would make for them. We also used to play soccer every Friday with them at the canchas by the fire station. I used to want to be a soccer player, so it was fun getting to share that time with them. If I could see my teachers now, I’d want them to see how mature I am, and we could hang out more. Now, I want to take everything my teachers taught me and pass it on to the next generation. 

In my classroom, I want all of my kids to have fun learning. I know that I have to be patient with them, and I’ve learned some tools to help me handle anything that happens in my class. I want my students to learn a lot, and I will try to make them see that English is really important. With English, my kids will be able to have better lives and futures. This is what BECA is all about!