Last Sunday on October 2nd, we celebrated being BECA Together Again – this time,  in person, with our dearest graduates from San Jerónimo, Santa Monica and Amigos de Jesus Bilingual Schools. 

The night started off with a gallery walk around San Jerónimo Bilingual School’s auditorium where graduates could find old pictures of themselves and their teachers during their time at their schools. We then moved into our BECA business market, where graduates were tasked with talking to other graduates in the room and asking them what they were up to now. Those who wanted, were also invited to present their business. Among these, we had the wonderful Emily  and Angi who presented their delicious cupcake business (pictured below).


We then went for a trip down memory lane as our graduates watched videos from their past teachers, who talked about their favorite memories with their students, and what they were up to now. A huge shout out to Miss Jaime, Miss Leah, Mister Greg,  Miss Jessica, Miss Karen and Miss Meghan for the videos they sent in. You made some graduates really happy and showed them that the impact you had on their lives, was reciprocated in yours.


Last but not least, the BECA trivia led by the wonderful BECA graduate and BECA alumn, Irma Zalaya.  The competition was fierce as Mara panqueque, Bottle of water (in british accent), Los chikis, The lions, Super Power Girls, Pan Bimbo, Los Simpsons and the Chori boys battled it out to win a parrillada at Taco Nandos. Taco Nandos is run and owned by BECA’s very own graduates David and Fernando Zuniga. A special thank you to them for sponsoring the trivia prize! 

The night would not have been complete without the delicious home made baleadas sold by the BECADO families for their second fundraiser event of the year. They proudly sold over 200 baleadas to our BECA graduates, meeting their fundraising goals for the projects they will be undertaking throughout the first half of the school year – YAY! 


Finally, a special thank you goes to the organizing committee for putting together such a successful event. Without Miss Bessy, Miss Grasibel, Miss Irma, Miss Daniella, Miss Josselyn, Miss Michelle, Miss Sol and Miss Maria this event would not have been possible. 


Amelie Doyle
Managing Director

Amelie has been working with BECA since the summer of 2019. As country director, Amelie oversees all on the ground development and operations in Honduras  which includes BECA partner schools,  volunteer team and staff; professional development and training, recruitment and communication. 

Amelie has an Msc in International Development and a bachelors in Spanish and Politics. Prior to joining BECA, Amelie managed Colombia Bilingue’s program in the region of Antioquia, Colombia and worked  for Education International as a consultant in Brussels, Belgium.

At the center of BECA’s mission is community, and BECA certainly has a rich one. From Latinos to Europeans to North Americans the magic happens when we all come together and collaborate on finding the best path forward for the future generations of Hondurans. While the road is sometimes arduous, Amelie is an avid believer that multicultural Education is the most powerful tool to change the world for the better. Amelie is proud to work for such a unique and innovative organisation like BECA.